There has been a sharp reduction in the success of the local fisherman on the island of Finith in the last two years. The tourists who come to the island
to scuba dive on the fabulous reefs have not shown up in large numbers this year. The economy of the entire island is at stake, and it is up to you to find
a solution for the people of Finith. What could be causing this economic downturn? Could it be just one thing, or perhaps there are a number of
problems. You must find the answer!!
The Task
You are a member of a research team that is made up of Marine Biologists. You and your partner will try and discover what the problem is on Finith and
come up with a workable solution. To complete this task, it will be necessary for you to become familiar with coral reefs. You will need to understand
what a coral reef is, what is necessary for it to survive, and how it might become in danger. The problems that the island is having are directly related to the coral reef. The local people will be a good source of information on what has transpired in the last few years as well as any things they have noticed
that are different. Use the resources listed below to gather information and follow the process outlined to come up with the problem and possible
solutions. Remember, you are in control of the island's destiny!!
Upon completion of this assignment, you and your partner should have learned a considerable amount about coral reefs. You should have a general
understanding of what a coral reef is and what is required for it to sustain life. Several factors that can lead to the destruction of our reef system have
been covered. Graphics have been shown of healthy reefs and also of reefs which have diseases. You have also learned preventative measures that can
greatly assist in the preservation of our reef system. Hopefully, you will have the opportunity to view these magnificent reefs and fish firsthand. If we all
do our part, our children will also be able to experience this thrill. Congratulations, mission accomplished!!